*************************************************************** * Vectrex Games and Roms list - Updated February 4th, 2010 * *************************************************************** Inst = Instructions for Game Ovr? = Overlay ===================================================================== Download the full collection of Vectrex Roms & Overlays here. (File Size 1.25MB) If (ROM) has a 'YES' below then it is included in the zip file above. ===================================================================== Game Title Cart Rom Inst Ovr? _____________________________________________________________________ 3D Color Test ---- Yes No ---- 3D Crazy Coaster ---- Yes MAN ---- 3D MineStorm ---- Yes MAN ---- 3D Narrow Escape ---- Yes MAN ---- All Good Things (1996) ---- Yes No ---- AnimAction (requires light pen) ---- Yes MAN n/a Armor Attack ---- Yes MAN ---- Art Master (requires light pen) ---- Yes MAN ---- Bedlam ---- Yes MAN ---- Berzerk ---- Yes MAN ---- Blitz ---- Yes MAN ---- Clean Sweep (aka Mr. Boston) ---- Yes MAN ---- Cosmic Chasm ---- Yes MAN ---- Dark Tower ---- Yes MAN ---- Engine Analyzer (requires light pen) ---- Yes No ---- Flipper Pinball (aka Spinball) ---- Yes MAN ---- Fortress of Narzod ---- Yes MAN ---- Frogger ---- Yes No ---- Gravitrex by John Dondzila (2002) (PD).bin ---- Yes No ---- Heads Up Action Soccer aka Soccer Football ---- Yes MAN ---- Hyperchase Auto Race ---- Yes MAN ---- Kousokusen ---- Yes No ---- Melody Master (requires light pen) ---- Yes MAN ---- Mine Storm ---- Yes MAN ---- MoonLander ---- Yes No ---- Nebula Commander ---- Yes MAN ---- Omega Chase ---- Yes No ---- Patriots (1996) ---- Yes No ---- Polar Rescue ---- Yes MAN ---- Pole Position ---- Yes MAN ---- Revector ---- Yes MAN ---- Rip Off ---- Yes MAN ---- Rockaroids Remix ---- Yes No ---- Ronen's Game Cart (Vaboom/Vectrrace) ---- Yes No ---- Scramble ---- Yes MAN ---- Solar Quest ---- Yes MAN ---- Snow Challenge ---- Yes No ---- Space Frenzy ---- Yes No ---- Space Wars (adaptation of Computer Space) ---- Yes MAN ---- Spectrum Stress Tester ---- Yes No ---- Spike ---- Yes MAN ---- Spike Hoppin' (1996) ---- Yes No ---- Spike's Water Baloon ---- Yes No ---- Star Castle ---- Yes MAN ---- Star Ship ---- Yes MAN ---- Star Trek: The Motion Picture ---- Yes MAN ---- Starhawk ---- Yes MAN ---- Test Cartridge ---- Yes No ---- Thrust ---- Yes MAN ---- Tour De France ---- Yes No ---- Vec Sports Boxing ---- Yes No ---- Vec Vox Xmas ---- Yes No ---- Vector Vaders (1996) ---- Yes No ---- Vecmania (1999) Part 1 ---- Yes No ---- Vecmania (1999) Part 2 ---- Yes No ---- Vectopia ---- Yes No ---- War of the Robots ---- Yes No ---- War of the Robots - Bow to the Queen ---- Yes No ---- Web Warp (aka Web Wars) ---- Yes MAN ---- ====================================================================== Looking for these titles to add to the collection: If you have them contact us: email address on main page. * Thanks :)Game Title Cart Rom Inst Ovr? ====================================================================== Berzerk II ---- No No ---- Cube Quest ---- No No ---- Home Brew ---- No No ---- Mail Plane (requires light pen) ---- No No ---- Melody Master II ---- No No ---- ======================================================================
2003 Protector (new title developed in 2003) Yasi (new title developed in 2003) 2004 I, Cyborg (new title developed in 2004) 2005 Debris (new title developed in 2005)Vectrex Overlays
All overlays listed on this page in 1 zip file Vectrex Overlays Set
Vectrex Overlay Name Filename ----------------------------------------------------- All Good Things agt.png Armor Attack armor.png Bedlam bedlam.png Berzerk berzerk.png Blitz blitz.png Star Castle castle.png Cosmic Chasm chasm.png Dark Tower dktower.png Frogger frogger.png Heads Up headsup.png Hyperchase hyper.png Minestorm led.png (Red Dot?) Minestorm mine.pgm ( .pgm ) MineStorm mine.png Minestorm mine.ppm Clean Sweep mrboston.png Minestorm mstorm2.png Fortress of Narzod narzod.png Omega Chase omega16k.png Patriots patriot.png Polar Rescue polar.png Pole Position pole.png read.txt read.txt (See Notes #1) below readme.txt readme.txt (See Notes #2) below Ripoff ripoff.png Scramble scramble.png Solar Quest solar.png Space Wars space.png Special Buttons spec_bt.png (Button Picture not overlay) Spike spike.png Spike Hoppin' spikehop.png Spinball spinball.png StarHawk starhawk.png Star Trek startrek.png Clean Speep sweep.png Web Warp webwars.png ######################################################################## Notes #1: Add these files to your "Artwork" folder to add overlay support for Hyperchase, Minestorm II, Mr. Boston Clean Sweep, and Spectrum Color Test. To start Spectrum, type "mess raaspec" at the command lineor choose "spectrum.bin" with your MESS frontend. Don't forget to add "spectrum.bin" and "system.img" to your "raaspec" folder... "spectrum.bin" and "system.img" are available in any good Vectrex binary archive or at http://vectrex.vintagegaming.com on the MESS page. ######################################################################## Notes #2: The Vectrex overlays in this archive where created by Walt Garey, Alcott B Smith and C Cole Baronvr I just converted the PCX versions from the DOS Vectrex Emulator (DVE) to PNG with netpbm and pnmtopng. These utilities are very common under Unix. A precompiled version for win32 can be found at ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/.SI1/dante/systems/win32/web2c/netpbm-1.1-win32.zip and in other TeX archives. The procedure (Unix XV specific, but any paint program should work) is: Load game4.pcx into XV -> auto crop -> save as game.ppm (PBM/PGM/PPM raw, full color). Open the XV color editor and change the palette into gray levels representing the transparency of the corresponding colors (0 = full transparency 255 = no transparency). Save this as game.pgm (PBM/PGM/PPM raw, greyscale). Convert the two files into a PNG: pnmtopng -alpha game.pgm game.ppm > game.png Example PPM/PGM for minestorm are in the archive. Some of the overlays don't scale down very well (most notable in Minestorm). If you want to use a different resolution overlay from DVE, you can convert them by yourself with the utilities mentioned above. ###############################################################################